Rapidly swing your blades, hitting all surrounding enemies multiple times.Ī powerful but slow multiple hit combo with an explosive finish that launches enemies into the air.Ī powerful but slow multiple hit combo that sends enemies flying back. Pull yourself towards an enemy, ramming them and launching them backwards. Launch enemies into the air and keep holding jump up after them. Level 5 – 10,000 orbs: At the final level to max the Blades of Exile, you'll receive increased damage and fully upgrade Army of Sparta to level three.Ī quick and powerful combo ending in a fiery finish.Ī quick combo that hits all surrounding enemies.Level 4 – 8,000 orbs: This level increases the damage of the Blades and gives you Argo's Rise.Level 3 – 7,000 orbs: Your magic is upgraded to Army of Sparty Lv.Level 2 – 4,000 orbs: The second level gives you increased damage and Argo's Ram.Level 1: The starting level, with Army of Sparta magic and Argo's Return.The magic associated with this weapon is Army of Sparta, which is a group of shielded warriors with spears that surround you and jab their spears outward at nearby enemies. This is the first weapon you receive in the beginning of the game, replacing the Blades of Athena.